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AHS: Anthology of Horror

*Curso se dicta en inglés

The course aims to analyze the seasons of the television series American Horror Story to understand the construction of cultural fears and the meaning it brings to a globalized society. For this reason, in this course, the goal is to examine this topic by answering the following questions: do these horror stories respond only to the history of a specific nation or is it transversal to other countries? Why is it necessary to collect the various types of horror present in society and exhibit it through a fiction program? What is the reason for the fame of this television series? Is it perhaps because the human being is an inexhaustible source of monstrous creations? In this course, the answers to these questions will give rise to the writing of texts, oral speeches and the transfer of concepts to other media platforms, based on a bibliographic and film corpus. This subject promotes the development of the following Generic Competences: Critical Thinking, Global Vision and Communication.